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Honey Beef Stir Fry

February 07, 2020


-500g beef strips
-1 small slice onion
-1/2 cup chopped coriander
-2 cloves chopped garlic
-1 tsp crushed ginger
-2 1/2 Tbsp oil
-3 Tbsp soy sauce
-3 Tbsp Vitabeez honey
-1 1/2 Tbsp oyster sauce


1. Heat oil in a frying pan over high heat and until oil is very hot.
2. Add ginger, garlic and onion to the pan and stir fry for 1 minute over medium heat.
3. Add the beef and increase the heat to high, stir fry until it turns brown.
4. Turn heat to Medium High and add all the sauce (don’t forget the honey!) to the pan, continue cooking for further 5 minutes until beef is cooked.
5. Serve with sesame seeds and chopped coriander (I know not all of you are a fan of it!)

Looks simple? It is easy! So are you ready to rock the kitchen now?!???